Sunday, March 20, 2011


Guess what?

National Ravioli Day

is finally here!!

Image courtesy :

Who doesn't love ravioli.
Ravioli can be found in some form or another all over the world. Most people associate ravioli as being exclusively Italian, but the Germans have a similar version with maultaschen. However, many other cultures have very similar versions; you know, dough stuffed with a filling. Asian cultures have dumplings and pot stickers, Eastern European cultures have pierogi or some version, Spanish and Latin cultures have empanadas, etc.

So, get out and enjoy some Ravioli today!

Normally, I would give you my recipe for Homemade Roasted Red Pepper Ravioli Stuffed with Shiitake Mushrooms, Proscuitto, and Parmigiano (wait for my book), but, instead, let's take a look at America's deadliest pasta dishes.

Behold :

Image courtesy :

The Cheesecake Factory's® Spaghettini with Smoked Bacon, Green Peas, and a Garlic-Parmesan Cream Sauce. Available with Chicken.

Logging in with a whopping total of 2291 calories, 589 g. of saturated fat, 1833 mg. of sodium, and 164 g. of carbohydrates all in one dish and in one portion for one person.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends the following for a healthy adult : 2000 calories, 20 g. of saturated fat, 2300 mg. of sodium, and 300 g. of total carbohydrates to be consumed in one single day.

You do the math.

Now, the above image is not from The Cheesecake Factory®, so I have no idea what the dish actually looks like. But, one can only imagine.

However the real kudos go to the good folks over at The Daily Beast who came up with a list of 31 chain restaurants across America and their most heart stopping pasta dishes. I wonder how many of them survived the taste tests?

Go check it out.

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